"Are any of the crew contemplating any other cross-training like weights, yoga, bicycling etc.?"
...and it got me thinking that we really need to start talking about this.
This is a very valid question. Rowing and erging alone are not the only activities that we need to be doing in order to prepare for the rallye.
So, let's hear it! What have you been doing/ plan on doing over the next 4 months in order to cross-train and get that endurance up there?
Here's just one article to get you thinking about cross-training, but there are several on the subject.
Let's be sure we are utilizing this blog to share ideas, links to useful information and encouragement to one another.
Even though I am far away in sunny California, I am working my butt off to make sure I can survive France. I have been erging about 5 days a week, riding my bike about 50 miles a week (hoping to up that soon), running, lifting, and playing some games in the park with my friends. The waking up pretty sore and forcing myself to get out of bed is good practice for when our hands will be raw and legs like jelly. But I couldn't be more excited!